Monday 4 May 2009

Missing Link

Somehow, I've missed out any mention of what we managed to get done when Nat's parents were up with us a little while back - I think I got distracted by all the pretty tulip photos! Anyway, Nat and his dad did a load of digging to really sort out the 3rd bed, and I planted out the chives that I'd had on the kitchen window. I also sowed some coriander seed in the herb bed.

When we got back to the house, Nat's mum and I turned all kinds of (washed) plastic food containers into seed trays, and sowed 3 different varieties of coloured dwarf beans. along with loads of sweetcorn in the central cardboard bits of toilet rolls. The idea is that they will act like peat pots, and hold the soil together long enough for the sweetcorn to germinate, but disintegrate once in the ground, which means that we can start them at home but plant them out without disturbing the roots.

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