Saturday 2 May 2009

Bank Holiday Weekend

Let's start with some photos of the lovely spring bulbs we've had flowering for the past few weeks. The assorted daffodils/narcissus were true to their name, and had at least 5 different varieties between them, possibly more. This was one that I hadn't come across before - multi-headed flowers!

The tulips were a real assortment as well, although that was more deliberate - we bought 7 or 8 of each variety. This is the showiest one - a real blaze of colour!

These are lovely too - dark and shiny. It's really encouraging to have all these flowers around us when we're up at the allotment. It reassures you that stuff really is growing up there, and it's worth all the effort.

The apple trees are once again out in blossom. This was taken last week, and there are probably twice as many flowers now!

I've mentioned the netting before - our attempt to fight back against whatever might eat our crops before we have the chance to! Well, with a load of old bicycle wheels to act as supports, the salad area is now completely covered.

The beans, on the other hand, are looking rather nibbled, but in an insect-type way, which netting won't help with. We set some beer traps for slugs last week, and found them all pulled up today - deer? Anyway, there were a couple of large beetles that had drowned in the beer - I'm not sure what they were, but they were about 1cm long, so much too big to be pea and bean weevils.

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