Tuesday 24 March 2009

Weekend Progress

Having my parents to stay at the weekend helped move things on at the allotment. My dad helped Nat dig for a couple of hours to remove weeds from the area that the courgette plants will be going into, and my mum helped me plant peas, salad leaves and rocket straight in the ground, followed by globe artichokes, cabbage and brussel sprouts back at the house.

The courgettes on the kitchen windowsill are shooting up rapidly. On Thursday morning, there were 2 small shoots just breaking through th surface of the soil. 24 hours later, we had 3 seedlings with leaves, and the fourth coming through. I've taken daily photos of them to track quite how rapidly they're growing.

The windowsill also has the chives and the basil, both of which are doing nicely too. The chives have done the very cool thing that alium seeds do, where they come through as a doubled-back hoop, then 'unwind' once they're through.

The bulbs are beginning to flower now - here's one of the rows of tulips. The daffodils were almost-but-not-quite out at the weekend, so there are probably a few flowers showing by now.

In other news, we're trying a pre-emptive strike on slugs using a slug trap filled with salty water. In four days last week it got no slugs, so we may switch to using cheap beer instead, once we've had a chance to drop by Tesco. Here's me with the salt cellar! Well, it was the most convenient form of salt I had available...

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