Saturday 25 October 2008

It's been a while since we updated this, so there's a bit to catch up on. On the right here we have the final crop of lettuce (mid-August), with the few leeks that survived on the right.

We also got a lot of potatoes and apples from the allotment this year - we'll definitely do potatoes again!

Here's the single cob of sweetcorn that we got. The rest of them seemed to have been nibbled by something...

In October, the parish council told us (and many others on the site) that the allotment wasn't neat and tidy enough, and did we really want it. After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, we decided that we did still want to keep it going, but would need some more help. We think we have found such, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating - will they actually turn up?

On the right here is how it looked 2 weeks after throwing a whole load of "Round Up" at it in an attempt to get the weeds down. We're unconvinced that it was money well spent - the carpet seems to be far more effective!

As seen above, we rescued the last 8 or so leeks, along with a few cabbages, and put them all together away from the weedkiller. However, something seems to have had other ideas, and we arrived this morning to find them almost all rather nibbled. We suspect deer. We harvested what remained of the leeks - one decent one and several spring onion-like stems.

Anyway, here's Nat & Jeremy with our version of weedkiller:

Something appears to have been living under the pile of carpet that'd been there for a few weeks...

And finally, one good thing from the parish council - a pile of manure, right outside our allotment. It's not that well rotted yet, so we'll probably stow some away for a few more months before spreading it around.

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