Wednesday 7 May 2008

We've now planted out the dwarf beans in the middle bed, near the artichokes that various other allotmenters have given us. The cougettes also went out this weekend, near the onions. The onion sets and potatoes seem to be happy, although the leeks and spring onions aren't showing many signs of life just yet.

One tomato seed seems to have sprouted, although no guarantees that it's not a weed as yet! The tarragon and second batch of sweetcorn haven't done much, though, so we've just got the 6 sweetcorn plants in the end. They seem to have survived being put into larger pots, despite all the warnings I read on the internet about them objecting to their roots being disturbed.

We've put the cabbage seedlings into pots in the back garden, and they seem to be coming along fine - we'll plant them out in a few weeks or so, I reckon.

Nat's taken the shears to some of the low-level weeds around the apple trees, which has tidied that up a bit. Still a long way to go, though - the weeds are doing terribly well!

Final thing - I planted some garlic last autumn, which is looking, well, OK. Not exactly flourishing, but hopefully we might get one or two bulbs out of it.

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