Saturday 29 March 2008

More planting...

Forgot to take a camera, so no photos but Nat and I went over to the allotment today, so I thought I'd post an update.

We planted the next batch of potatoes - Maris Piper (maincrop) - next to the first batch. And we also planted some onions in the area nearest the gate, next to the spring onions and leeks.

We also made a fair bit of progress on digging the next area, near where the path bends round the bramble. We think we'll split the bed and put tall stuff like sweetcorn on the side nearest the path, and maybe something like lettuces in the bed furthest from the path. Interestingly we didn't find any more signs of potatoes in that bed, so maybe that will be a good place to plant potatoes next year.

We also took some junk (including the very rusty green barrel and the old metal gate) down to the tip, which should tidy things up a bit. Oh, and Nat put the carpet down on the area near the orchard, so hopefully that will keep things at bay until we get there.

Maybe one of us will take some photos tomorrow anyway...

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