Saturday 4 April 2009

Another productive day today - with all 5 of us up there at the same time (click on the picture for a bigger version). We've finished digging 2 out of the 3 large beds now, and used the ridger for the first time for the first batch of potatoes. It looks like we're going to need more space for potatoes, but we'll work out how to deal with that later - possibly by re-using the same area for two different crops at different times.

We've started planting the potatoes at the middle of the 2nd large bed, and worked our way towards the path side. For the record, the first 2 1/2 rows are Charlottes (salad potatoes, 2nd earlies), and the next 2 1/2 rows are Desirée (maincrop, so supposed be planted out at the end of the month, but they'd started growing shoots already). The 1st earlies are still chitting very slowly in the shed - hopefully they'll get some decent shoots in the next few weeks, and we'll plant them out at the end of the month.